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The Blog

This website and blog have been placed in my heart by the Lord, so I hope you enjoy it and come to love it as much as I do. My heart always wants to make sure people never ever feel alone in their struggles and they always feel loved.

 " And let us consider thoughtfully how we may encourage one another to love and do good deeds"      

                                                                                     Hebrews 10:24     

Updated: Aug 22

Hello Ladies!

Welcome to Cornerstone Cowgirl! To be Honest this is my first Blog EVER so I'm a bit nervous! I'm not a writer by any means but I have made it my mission to be Real, Raw and Honest about life and to share my experiences with y'all in hopes that you never feel alone in this crazy world. The true point of my testimonies and stories will always be to give you pure real examples of what God has done in my life and in the lives of those I love, In hopes it resonates with you and shows we have a lot in common!

The exciting thing is... we will have an area you can email us and submit a picture and a testimony of what God has done in YOUR life! I can't wait to see how God has moved! He can Move Mountains.

Today is a simple day, so I think I will share how Cornerstone Cowgirl came about! I had a vison to make my bible studies and community outreach go further and I prayed about it for years to ask God to prepare a way for what he wanted me to do! I have an amazing best friend and business partner that jumped right on board as soon as I told her I wanted a place where girls can shop and learn about Jesus at the same time! She then had the amazing idea to link it to our ministry so we can give back there as well! Shop with a purpose was born! 10% goes back from each order into Cornerstone Cowgirl Ministries so we can spread the love and knowledge of Jesus even further!

I was so nervous and continued to pray and ask God if this is where he wanted me to focus , I asked him if I was  creating something to Glorify him??? The answer came to me days after my dad died. I had my bible open on my kitchen counter and a little voice said go read... Well, the outcome was loud and Clear! ( Don't you love when God is so recognizable and LOUD) My eyes were drawn directly to 2 Corinthians 9:10-15 "For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat, In the same way he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great Harvest of generosity in you. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will Thank God."

So, two things will result from this ministry of giving, the needs of the believers in Jerusalem will be met, and they will joyfully express their thanks to God, As a result of your ministry , they will give Glory to God, For your generosity to them and to all believers will prove that you are obedient to the good news of Christ. And they will pray for you with deep affection because of the overflowing grace God has given to you.

Thank God for this Gift to wonderful for words" You can imagine my excitement and my awe when I read that! It was like written for me! It was the reassurance I needed from the Lord to Move forward. So we MOVED forward, and Cornerstone Cowgirl was established!

Ladies Jesus is our Cornerstone in life, a true anchor in our storms, never failing never changing. Jesus is unconditional love! I hope you enjoy shopping with a purpose and take joy is seeing what your generosity can do for those in need!

Thank you for riding through this journey with us and I pray you stay the course that God has set before us to reach people with his love and knowledge! May you have the most Blessed Day! 


XOXO~ Your Sister in CHRIST, 


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